Monday, 8 October 2012

Another book cover here 'The Wisdom of the Shire' by Noble Smith. One of the best briefs I've had this year, absolutely loved doing it. The book itself comes out next month in hard back with some lovely gold embellishments in the illustration.


Noble Smit said...

Tim, I'm looking at the finished book right now. A box of them arrived at my house here in Washington State from Oxfordshire just the other day. The book is absolutely stunning. And yes, the gold embellishments are really cool--the edge of the staff, the soaring hawk, the tips of the leaves. You did a fantastic job on this. I knew the instant I saw the first rough sketch that it was going to be a superior cover. Thank you!

Unknown said...

It is really a great book cover, it was the main reason why I bought the book in the first place, but of course I also like the content of the book.